Buyers beware of a 20% ripoff !!! Just got the box from Witbecks selling the kit on Amazon. The description of from Amazon page says it's 5 boxes of 5 bags = 25 total (see below)
* 5 boxes of 5 bags(25 total) Miele FJM Vacuum Bags part# 05588920
* 5 Miele Pre-Motor Filters (1 per box of bags)
* - 5 Miele Super Air-Clean filters part #03944710
* 1 Miele Miele Galaxy S4000 Series AH-50 Active HEPA Filter part #05996882
In fact, it's 5 boxes of 4 bags each i.e. 20 bags total! Calling Amazon ...
(1 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=1.0 / 5.0
More Detail For Genuine Miele S4 1 Year Supply Kit 1 HEPA filter 5 Miele FJM Bags
- 5 boxes of 5 bags(25 total) Miele FJM Vacuum Bags part# 05588920
- 5 Miele Pre-Motor Filters (1 per box of bags)
- - 5 Miele Super Air-Clean filters part #03944710
- 1 Miele Miele Galaxy S4000 Series AH-50 Active HEPA Filter part #05996882