I usually use this either during fine sanding, or using the time-delay feature to leave it running after I leave the shop. Either way it does reduce the amount of "fines" left around the shop
I've had it a year, and with saw-dust, it appears all I need to do is blow the filter out. If I was getting gritty/greasy/oily fines in it I suspect I would have to change filters
(1 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.0 / 5.0
More Detail For Shop Fox W1746 Fine Air Filter
- Filter size 13-1/4-Inch by 14-1/4-Inch by 1-1/4-Inch
- Automatic timed shut off
- Fan speed 3 (100, 140 and 200 CFM)
- Standard filtration: 0.3 microns
- Fan off delay - 4 settings