วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

++ Robot Coupe R2N Food Processor Model R 2N

If you order a commercial robot coupe, you may find that the box

it comes in has no instruction pamphlet. There are two possible

explanations for this.

One is that the machine is available in so many countries that

the number of languages required for the instructions would turn

a pamphlet into a book. The other possibility is that the machine

is so blessedly simple that if you need instructions. ...well, you

probably shouldn't be using it.

I should tell you that the robot coupe doesn't grind up handfuls of

basil particularly well and that it's only a fair to middlin' slicer.

What it does superbly is puree liquids and reduce chunky ingredients

to crumbs or paste. It is also a better kneader for bread dough than

any standard mixer and much much easier to clean.

The other virtue of the robot coupe is that you children will surely

inherit it and they are likely to pass it on to your grandchildren. Mine

was retired from restaurant use after five eventful years and is well

past twenty years of active home use. I did replace the plastic dough

blade about five years ago, and I've sharpened the regular chopping

blade about once a year (a very simple task)

If you don't care about pretty and you like tough, or if you just do a lot

of bread at home, this is the tool for you.

----Lynn Hoffman, author of New Short Course in Wine,The and

bang BANG: A Novel ISBN 9781601640005
(1 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=5.0 / 5.0

More Detail For Robot Coupe R2N Food Processor Model R 2N

  • Power: HP: 2 (Single Phase)
  • 1 Speed: 1725 rpm
  • Dimensions: 19 1/4 " x 15 3/4 " x 8 3/4 "
  • Options available by E-mail

